
Akses Gratis Daftar Talk show & Workshop BeautyFest Asia 2020 Day-2

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"BeautyFest Asia 2020: In This Together" yang tahun ini bekerja sama dengan Shopee, menghadirkan beragam acara berkaitan dengan trik makeup, rahasia perawatan kulit, hingga workshop pemberdayaan diri.

Sebagai inisiatif untuk mendukung perempuan Indonesia selama masa pandemi ini, Popbela.com bersama BeautyFestAsia mengadakan workshop dan talk show gratis untuk menginspirasi, membimbing, serta mendidik mereka yang terkena dampak COVID-19. Kampanye "Future is Female" bertujuan untuk mendobrak batasan sehingga perempuan bisa memotivasi dirinya sendiri dan berkembang.

Berikut jadwal BeautyFest Asia 2020 Hari 2: Sabtu, 7 November 2020:

Talk show - Wardah: "Taking Care of Yourself and Caring Others" #AloeverydaySolution

11:00 – 11:45

"Taking Care of Yourself and Caring Others #AloeverydaySolution"

Bersama Kiara Leswara

Workshop - Expert Mixologist: "Do’s and Don’ts of Layering Your Skincare"

12.00 – 12:45

"Do’s and Don’ts of Layering Your Skincare"


  • Kae Pratiwi (Content Creator)
  • Heny Harun (Content Creator)
  • dr. Amanda Rahmania - Surface Skin Habit

Talk show - POISE: "How to Take the Perfect Selfie/ Content"

13:05 – 13:45

"How to Take the Perfect Selfie/ Content"

Bersama: Angelia Christy

Talk show – Pond’s Age Miracle: "Anti-Aging Talk: 5 Steps for Never Stop Glowing Skin"

Workshop - SAFI: "Acne Prone Vs Sensitive Skin Talks + D.I.Y Tie dye Mask"

15:00 – 16:00

"Acne Prone Vs Sensitive Skin Talks + D.I.Y Tie dye Mask" 


  • Bellinda Putri
  • dr. Arini Astasari Widodo SpKK 
  • Nindita Ariendya

Talk show - MAKE OVER: "Bloom Infinite Artsy Make Up 101 with Irma Farez"

16:15 – 17:00

"Bloom Infinite Artsy Make Up 101 with Irma Farez"

Bersama: Irma Farez

Talk show: "Achieving Youthful Skin and Lips with The Right Local Products"

18:15 – 19:00

"Achieving Youthful Skin and Lips with The Right Local Products"


  • Devina Wijaya - Chief Marketing Officer N'Pure
  • Lily Yusnita - OWNER ARRA

Yuk, segera daftarkan diri kamu dalam talk show dan kelas inspiratif BeautyFest Asia 2020 hari ini! 

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