Kirim 13 Chat Kocak Ini Bisa Bikin Gebetan Makin Betah Ngobrol

Cuma buat kamu yang berani!

Kirim 13 Chat Kocak Ini Bisa Bikin Gebetan Makin Betah Ngobrol

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Terkadang tarik-ulur saat masa PDKT terkesan kuno dan membosankan. Apalagi kalau dia tak kunjung memberikan sinyal sehingga kamu jadi gemas. Namun, ada kalanya kamu juga bisa kok buat dia makin betah. Caranya cukup kirimkan chat yang lucu.

Pasalnya, siapa sih yang nggak suka tertawa? Apalagi kalau dikirimkan chat yang lucu. Meski terkesan gombal namun tentunya ada pesan tersendiri saat kamu mengirimkannya. Berikut ini kumpulan chat kocak buat gebetan biar chat tidak berakhir membosankan. 

Chat yang bikin dia senyum-senyum sendiri

Kirim 13 Chat Kocak Ini Bisa Bikin Gebetan Makin Betah Ngobrol

On a scale from 1 to Starbucks WiFi, how free are you tonight?

Your chromosomes have combined beautifully.

I just noticed this today, but you look a lot like my next boyfriend.

You're hotter than the bottom of my laptop after I've been binge-watching Netflix.

Chat yang singkat namun pasti teringat

A day without you is like a broken pencil. Pointless.

Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back.

Do you have any raisins? How about a date?

This is so us. Me doing all the talking and you just sitting there looking cute.

Chat yang bikin kamu terlihat jago berkata manis

Can I take a pic with you? I could show my friends that angels do exist.

My dog wanted you to know that he misses you.

When I'm texting you, you should know that I'm smiling

Chat yang ampuh bikin dia tertawa

Well, I am an unemployed with a certificate in cuddling, a diploma in caring, and a degree in kissing. Do you have a job for me?

True love is like a pillow. You can hug it when you're in trouble, you can cry on it when you're in pain, you can embrace it when you're happy. So when you need true love, buy a pillow!

Nah, itu dia kumpulan chat kocak biar dia makin betah ngobrol. Tunggu balasannya dan semoga berhasil, Bela!

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