20 Ucapan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam Bahasa Inggris

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20 Ucapan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam Bahasa Inggris

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Maulid dikenal pula sebagai hari lahir Nabi Muhammad SAW. Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW atau yang diambil dari kata milad ini berarti hari lahir dalam bahasa Arab. Maulid diperingati setiap tanggal 12 Rabiul Awal pada penanggalan kalender Hijriah.

Biasanya untuk memperingati hari lahir Nabi Muhammad SAW diadakan berbagai acara yang meriah. Di Indonesia sendiri perayaan Nabi Muhammad SAW ada berbagai macam. Salah satunya pawai obor selepas salat Isya.

Tidak hanya perayaan, Maulid Nabi Muhammad juga dapat dilakukan dengan saling berkirim doa dan ucapan yang baik-baik. Berikut kata-kata Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam bahasa Inggris yang bisa kamu gunakan.

20 Ucapan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam Bahasa Inggris

Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

I give thanks to Allah SWT. Because, there is no better gift from Him than the birth of the Prophet Muhammad. Happy Mawlid Al-Nabi for you, my friend.

Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

Happy Birthday of the Prophet 1444 H! Let's make the moment of commemorating the birth of the Prophet Muhammad SAW to imitate noble character.

Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

Happiest birthday to our prophet Muhammad SAW, we all are happy because of you. Happy celebrating Mawlid Al-Nabi. Hope you always happy in your life.

Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

Joy has shone brightly from the birth of the role model of the Prophet. Happy Birthday of Prophet Muhammad SAW 1444 H.

Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

Prophet Muhammad SAW showed us submission and loyalty, the right and the truth, mercy and conscience, justice and virtue, patience and tolerance with his exemplary life. Have a blessed Milad un Nabi 1444 H.

Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

Here wishing that the wondefull deeds of the Prophet teach and inspire you to make your life more beautiful. Happy Mawlid Al-Nabi!

Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

On the occasion of Mawlid al-Nabi, I wish we are showered with love and blessings of Prophet for a happy and prosperous life.

Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

May He Never Let Us Stray From His Path and From His Valuable Sunnah for One Moment, Mawlid an Nabi SAW, 1444 H.

Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

Thank You, oh messenger of Allah, Muhammad SAW. How Beautiful is your guidance.

Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW

May we're always close to him as he is close to Allah and to us. Don't forget to do shalawat, akhi & ukhti. Happy Mawlid Al-Nabi 1444 H.

Happy Mawlid Al-Nabi

With this celebration of the Prophet's Birthday, let's imitate the morals of the Prophet in everyday in life.

Happy Mawlid Al-Nabi

Today, Rasulullah SAW was born. He’s our last prophet, our role, our guider and helper to Jannah.

Happy Mawlid Al-Nabi

The biggest blessing is when Muhammad come and give the light for us.

Happy Mawlid Al-Nabi

May the spirit of the holly occasion bring peace and joy to your heart and home.

Happy Mawlid Al-Nabi

The Prophets Birthday is light in the darkness of the ummah. May the Prophet Muhammad and muslims in the world be in God's blessing.

Happy Mawlid Al-Nabi

The birthday of the Prophet Muhammad, can be used as a moment to increase love, prioritize truth, strengthen brotherhood and uphold tolerance.

Happy Mawlid Al-Nabi

Thank You, oh messenger of Allah, Muhammad SAW. How Beautiful is your guidance.

Happy Mawlid Al-Nabi

Prophet Muhammad SAW showed us submission and loyalty, the right and the truth, mercy and conscience, justice and virtue, patience and tolerance with his exemplary life.

Happy Mawlid Al-Nabi

Blessed Mawlid to everyone as we celebrate the birth of The Teacher of teachers, mercy upon mankind and all of existence, the manifestation of love, peace, and kindness.

Happy Mawlid Al-Nabi

Here wishing that the wonderfull deeds of the Prophet teach and inspire you to make your life more beautiful.

Itulah tadi ucapan Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW dalam bahasa Inggris. Semoga bisa menjadi rekomendasi kamu, ya.

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